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各腫瘍細胞にin vitroで3H-Thymidineを摂取せしめ,その細胞のlife cycleおよび世代時間を等定した。
1)吉田肉腫については世代時間11〜18時間(平均14時間) DNA合成時間5〜8時間(平均6.5時間)であつた。
2)仔猫の小脳のfibroblastについては世代時間33時間DNA合成時間7時間,人間の脳腫瘍の試験管内培養の結果は世代時間は計算できなかつたが,labeling indexと臨床症状の経過,病理組織学的所見,培養所見との間の悪性度に関して相関関係が認められた。
3)人間脳腫瘍の各症例にっいてlabeling indexと細胞増殖の計算式から世代時間を推定するとglioblastoma 22日〜31日,astrocytoma約1ヵ月半〜2ヵ月,oligodendroglioma約2ヵ月〜3ヵ月,metastatlc cancer 15日〜21日,meningiomaで約3ヵ月〜4ヵ月となり,この値は臨床症状の発現から手術までの経過日数,進行状況と比較して密接な関係を有するものと思われた。
The author studied on the life cycle of Yo-shida sarcoma and the DNA synthesis functi-on of glial cells in tissue culture of the kit-ten brain and human brain tumors by means of 3H-thymidine microradioautography. Based on these results, the author estimated the generation time of human brain tumor cells.
1. The life cycle of Yoshida sarcoma was measured as follows: presynthesis time 2 hrs., synthesis time 5-8 hrs. (average 6.5 hrs.), postsynthesis time 3-7 hrs., mitosis time 1 hr. and ge-neration time 11-18 hrs. (average 14 hrs.).
2. As for glial cells in tissue culture of the kitten brain and human brain tumors, the correct analysis of their life cycle was failed owing to false outgrowth (migra-tion from the explant) except for fibrob-last. However, the labeling index (DNA synthesis function) of glial cells in vitro appeared to be parallel to clinicopatholo-gical malignancy of the glioma.
3. The generation time of human brain tu-mor cells was estimated as followed:glioblastoma 22-31 days, astrocyoma 1.5-2 months, oligodendroglioma 2-3 mont-hs, metastatic carcinoma 15-21 days and meningioma 3-4 months.
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