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3Hで標識したthymidineがHughes, Vereleyらにより紹介され,細胞レベルでの分解能の高いautoradiogramの作製が可能となつてから,3H-thymidineは生化学的研究のみならず,細胞増殖または新生交代機序などの研究に広く利用されるようになつた。前川・土屋らは3H-thimidineを用いて骨髄細胞の細胞回転を検索し,梅沢らは新しい抗癌剤Bleomycinの作用機転ならびに抗細胞作用を,Hela細胞,エールリッヒ癌細胞,大腸菌などの3H-thymidineとりこみで検討している。著者らも皮膚悪性腫瘍の治療研究の一環として,腫瘍組織14C-thymidineのとりこみを追求しているので,これまでの成績を中心に,臨床医の立場から悪性腫瘍のthymidine kinaseについて言及してみたい。
Thymidine is one of nucleosides and plays an important role in the DNA metabolism. Thymidine kinase is an enzyme, which acts in the first step of the series of enzymatic incorporation processes of thymidine into DNA. It is expected to have intimate relationships with cell division.
The preliminary studies on thymidine kinase activity of malignant tumors of the skin were performed by serial measurements of the enzyme activity in various stages of tumor develo-pement with modified Eker's method.
Although this enzyme activity is not necessarily concerned with malignant tumors, it indicates the state of cell division and proliferation, and the experimental results demonstrated that the activity showed a definite correlation with the clinical course of a skin cancer.

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