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Using 3H-thymidine autoradiography, the author investigated origin and fate of reactive cells in the encephalitic lesions of the brain particularly in perivas-cular infiltrations and cellular nodules characteristic of Japanese B encephalitis. First, normal 30-day-old mice were repeatedly injected with 3H-thymidine to confirm that there are few labeled cells in the normal brain except for those in the subependymal layer of the cerebrum. Secondly, mice of the same age were incculated with Japanese B encephalitis virus, and when encephalitis developed, they received a single injection of 3H-thymidine and sacrificed 1 hour later. A few labeled cells were seen in the encephalitic lesion of the brain, but they are not sufficient in number to account for local proliferation of num-erous reactive cells. It was concluded that the reac-tive cells in the brain should he derived from outside of the brain. Thirdly, normal mice of the same age were injected with 3H-thymidine at intervals of 6 hours for 55 hours to label most of circulating leu-cocytes. Two hours after the final injection of 3H-thymidine they were inoculated with Japanese B encephalitis virus and sacrificed at selected intervals. Most cells of the perivascular infiltrations and cel-lular nodules in the encephalitic brain were labeled.
A good correlation was found between labeled per-centage of the reactive cells in the brain and that of circulating leucocytes.
The results of the experiments indicate that leu-cocytes in the peripheral blood, probably mononu-clears, contributed to the formation of perivascular infiltrations and cellular nodules, and that a few leu-cocytes continue to divide locally. Blood mononu-clears seem to be transformed into the so-called "microglia" in the lesions of the brain.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.