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RÖNTGEN DIAGNOSIS OF THALAMIC TUMORS Norio Nakamura 1 , Koichi Kitamura 1 , Takeo Kuwabara 1 , Fumiaki Sato 1 , Hiroo Chigasaki 1 , Keiji Sano 1 1Dept. of Neurosurgery, Univ. of Tokyo, School of Medicine pp.841-849
Published Date 1963/9/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406201531
  • Abstract
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Among 1730 cases of intracranial tumors in the neurosurgical department of the Univer-sity of Tokyo, 23 were diagnosed as the tumor of the thalamus from the results of X-ray examination, the clinical examination or biopsy and antopsy.

The authors demonstrated, summarized and discussed all of the X-ray films of these tumors.

Many of the plain craniograms showed less dominant destruction of the skull which might be attributed to the rapid developement of the tumor.

In cerebral angiograms, carotid phlebograms were. most valuable for diagnosis of the tu-mor, but interpretation of the findings needed much experience and skill.

The widening of the so-called venous angle or the abnormal vascularization at the branch of the thalamostriate vein was the most pa-thognomonic sign.

All of the abnormal vascularization was revealed to be due to malignant glioma in autopsy.

In 14 cases of pneumoventriculograms, 7 sho-wed shadow of the tumor in the lateral ven-tricle, which occupied the central part or the trigone. The central part of the ipsilateral ventricle was elevated and flattened, and smaller than that of the contralateral one.

Copyright © 1963, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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