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1) 被検者の68%に有効的であり,とくに精神運動発作に最も高い効果率をみせた。
2) 被検者22例中,精神症状を示すもの11例中7例にその改善を得,特にいちじるしいてんかん性精神障害を有するものの全例にかなりの効果を認めたことが注目される。
3) 本剤は他の抗てんかん剤との併用が効果的で,他の副作用の多い薬剤の減量を可能とするようである。
We have used a new anti-epilepticum "Osp-olot" to a series of 22 epileptic patients, and the following results were obtained.
1) The clinical effects of Ospolot were obtained in 63%(15 out of 22) of all patients, es-pecially prominent in the psychomotor seizure.
2) In 7 out of 11 cases who had had severe psychiatric disturbances, moderate imporve-ments were obtained.
3) "Ospolot" seemed to be of fective, when administered in combination with other anti-epileptic drugs, especially for management of psychic condition.

Copyright © 1962, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.