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1) 被験例の73%に有効であつた。
2) 精神運動発作に最も高い効果をみた。
3) 10例について投与の前後に脳波記録を行ない,TAE−13の脳波に対する効果を検討した結果,5例に基礎波の規則化を主とする脳波の改善をみた。
4) 被験者50例中6例に,社会に対する適応が困難な程度の種々の精神症状がみられたがそのうち2例に情動面の安定化がみられた。
5) 本剤は他剤との併用が最も効果的である。
6) 本剤は各発作型に対する有効範囲の広さとその有効性よりみてかなり有用な抗てんかん剤と思われる。
We had a chance to apply a new antiepilep-tic drug, TAE-13 (α-p-aminophenyl-α-ethyl-glutarimide), to 50 epileptics whose attacks mostly refractory, and observed its effects on seizures, psychical disturbances and electroen-cephalogram.
Our results are as follows:
1) When used in combination with other an-tiepileptic drugs, TAE-13 was effective by 73% in 37 patients, and it permitted 9(69%) of 13 patients to reduce dosage of otherantiepileptic drugs (mainly diphenyl-hydan-toin ) without aggravation of seizures.
2) It was most effective on psychomotor epilepsy.
3) The improvement of electroencephalogra-phycal findings was shown in 5 among 10 patients observed, namely slow dysrhythmic basic pattern in their electroencephalograms became more regular after TAE-13 admini-stration.
4) Among 6 cases with various mental dis-turbances or difficulties in social adaptation, 2 cases were improved psychically.
5) Side effects complained were drowsiness, skin eruptions, nausea and ataxia.
Upon these result, we consider TAE-13 as a very useful antiepileptic drug in clinical field.

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