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Coats氏病は1名Retinitis exsudativa又はAngiomatosis retinae或はGliosis retinaediffusa, Angiogliosis retinae2)8)9)11)などの種々の名前で呼ばれている眼網膜の疾患であり,通常20歳前後の人の1眼におこることが多いといわれ,網膜に特有な帯黄白色の多少隆起した滲出物を生ずる。時には多少の出血を伴ない,稀に小血管瘤を生ずる。そして病勢が進めば網膜剥離をおこす。病理組織学的には網膜内層に,その主変化が認められ,血管変常とグリア細胞増殖が特異的であるといわれる8)11)。1908年Coatsが,これまで種々の名前をもつて呼ばたものを総合し,自己の症例について始めて解剖的検索を試み,1912年に報告したところから一般にCoats氏病と称せられるようになつたものである2)。その後,幾多の内外報告が有るが,本疾患と同時に痙攣発作を併発し,しかも抗痙攣剤の連続投与により,その発作の消失をみている症例は寡聞にして見あたらない。吾々は最近痙攣発作を主訴として来院した右眼Coats氏病の1症例を経験したので此処に報告する。
〔A case of Coats's disease associated with convulsive seizure〕
It is reported a case of Coats's disease (Retinitis exsudativa or Angiomatosis reti-nae etc.) associated with convulsive seizure. F. I. A single and business girl.
The family history and her history present nothing of note.
In history of present illness, she suffered from myopias of both eyes since about 13 years of age. When the patient was about 16 years (1957) old, she had noticed abnormalvision in the right eye. However, her left eye was sound at that time. Later, there was scarcely observed any change in the symptom of right eye until the present time. On 2. August, 1959, she got suddenly a gen-eralized convulsive seizure with unconscious-ness in bed without any precipitating cause. Later, there was no convulsive seizure, but appeared about one time daily nausea and at the same time a seizure of twilight-conscious-ness, palpitation and feeling of unpleasure.
These symptoms disappeared almost by the use of antiepileptic drugs since entering in our hospital. Of present state, nothing abnormal was observed except electroence-phalogram and ophthalmological findings.

Copyright © 1961, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.