

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Histological Studies on the Meningioma Inaba, Yutaka 1 1Surgical Department, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo University pp.81-97
Published Date 1954/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200391
  • Abstract
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Because of the fact that there has already been a considerable amount of research done histopathology and tissue culture of so-called meningioma, there are divergent opinions parti-cularly concerning its nomenclature, character, classification and category as well as its origin.

In order to clarify the origin, character and category of meningioma, its histopathological research was performed in 97 cases, consider-ing the embryological, phylogenetical and histo-cultural studies of the meninges which have been heretofore reported by many authors.

Conclusions of the study are as follows:

1) Considering that the neural crest has the character of "mesectoderm (Stone)", the theory of the neural crest origin of the meninges must not mean the so-called neuroepithelial conception, but means that the neural crest itself, as the primordium of the meninges, is of mesenchymal character. Namely, the "mening-eal mesenchyme" derived from the neural crest is to be supposed.

Accordingly, the confusion concerning the origin and character of the meningioma is dissolved.

2) Morphologically, various components ap-pearing in the histological features of the meningioma (meningothelial sheet, bundle and column, meningeal fibroblast and its derivatives, various forms of vascular channels and net-works, various forms of whorls and psammoma bodies, cartilage and osseous tissue, fatt tissue) have close transitional interrelationship each other. Histological features as a whole have a mode of the differentiation of the mesen-chyme.

3) Considering the fact mentioned above from the phylogenetical standpoint of meninges, the histological features of the meningioma must be considered the reappearance of the various stages of the embryological differentia-tion of the meninges. Thus, it has the speci-ficity of a tumor of "meningeal mesenchyme" origin, and all components described above are unitary in this meaning.

The category of meningioma must be extend-ed from these point of view.

4) Various forms of whorls, and psammoma bodies were described and analysed. The whorl formation is one of the most important histo-logical properties of the meningioma as well as vascular component. The whorl, a primitive vascular channel, meningothelial sheet and fibroblastic tisssue have a close histogenetic interrelationship, which is most clearly demonst-rated by various types of perivascular whorl.

5) Histological features of the malignant change of meningioma and sarcomatous mening-ioma were described. Similarity of the mening-ioma and so-called intracranial primary sarcoma was thought, considering the similarity and transition of the histological features and the cytogenetic interrelationship between various kinds of cells appearing in both of them.

Therefore, either of them are supposedly of "meningeal mesenchyme" origin.

6) A few traditional classification of the meningioma was discussed and a new types of classification was introduced by the author.

Copyright © 1954, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


