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症例は58歳,男性,主訴は頻回の失神発作.右心カテーテル検査で著明な肺高血圧を認め,さらに頸動脈洞圧迫により著明な血圧下降を呈したことから,原発性肺高血圧症および頸動脈洞過敏症の合併と診断された.nifedipine舌下投与およびprostaglandin E1持続静注により肺高血圧の改善を認めたので,nifedipine(20mg/日)およびlimaprost(30μg/日)の経口投与を開始した.薬剤投与3ヵ月後の薬効評価ではnifedipineは有効であったが,limaprostは無効であった.血管拡張療法施行後,肺高血圧,頸動脈洞過敏症は改善し,その後36ヵ月間の経過観察中に失神発作を認めていない.
A case of primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) associated with carotid sinus hypersensitivity is de-scribed. The patient, a 58-year-old Japanese man with a recent history of frequent episodes of syncope. After physical examination and cardiac cathetherization, he was diagnosed as having PPH. Carotid sinus massage was followed by a profound decrease in systolic blood pressure. A beneficial effect on pulmonary hypertension was attained with sublingual nifedipine and intravenous prostaglandin El. Thereafter, treatment was continued with nifedipine (20 mg/day p. o.) and limaprost (30 ug/ day p. o.).

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