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オガ屑を誤って気道内に多量吸引し,重篤な気道閉塞状態に陥った患者に,膜型人工肺を用いた体外式肺補助(extracorporeal lung assist: ECLAと略す)で呼吸を補助しながら気道内異物を除去し無事救命しえた貴重な症例を経験したので報告する。
A 17 year-old male accidentally fell into a loading shute filled with sharp particles of sawdust. He aspirated a large amount of sawdust and suffered from acute airway obstruction accompanied by barot-rauma, probably due to severe cough and tissue damage from the needle sharp sawdust particles.Ordinary mechanical ventilation was not enough to keep normal gas exchange. To sustain life, a veno-venous extracorporeal lung assist, ECLA, with two Kolobow membrane lungs was performed.
Under ECLA, the sawdust particles were remo-ved from the airway one by one with a broncho-fiber scope taking almost 10 hours. Then the left lung lavage was performed with normal saline to remove finer sawdust. The patient survived these procedures and was weaned from ECLA after 36 hrs. His recovery was uneventful.
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