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bipyridine誘導体であるamrinone(Win 40680:5-amino-3,4’-bipyridin-6(1H)-one:図1)は,1978年FarahとAlousi4)によってはじめて紹介された新しい陽性変力剤であり,上記薬剤のいずれとも異なった機序によって心筋収縮力を増大させるという。すなわち,digitalisのごとくNa,K-ATPaseを抑制することはなく,またcatecholamineのように交感神経β受容体を介することもないとされ,平はPDE(phosphodiesterase)阻害によって細胞内cyclic AMP濃度を増加せしめ,強心作用を発現する可能性が高いと述べている5,6)。
The hemodynamic effects of a newly developed inotropic agent, amrinone (AMN) were studied and compared with those of dopamine (DA) and dobutamine (DB) in forty patients with pump failure due to acute myocardial infarction. Hemodynamic measurements were done using a Swan-Ganz thermodilution catheter before and 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after the intravenous injection of AMN (1-2mg/kg) for 3 minutes in eight patients, and also before and during the drip infusion (3-7,μg/kg/min) of DA fifteen patients and DB in seventeen patients. AMN caused maximal increases in CI, SVI and SWI, and maximal lowering in CVP and SVR 5 minutes after the intravenous injection, while maximal lowering in PCWP occurred 10 minutes after the injection. These significant hemodynamic changes were lasting for 60 minutes after the injection. Simultaneous measurements of serum concentration of AMN revealed a significant and extremely high negative correlation between CVP and serum concentration of AMN (r=0.923). Comparing the maximal hemodynamic effects occurred 3 minutes after the injection of AMN with those of DA and DB, it was evidenced that AMN increased CI almost same as DA, and lowered CVP and PCWP much more compared to DB. These results suggest that AMN possesses dominant vasodilating effect besides the inotropic effect, and which would be of marked benefit for the treatment of refractory heartfailure because of the characteristic cardiovascular hemodynamic effects as if catecholamine and a vasodilator were combined.
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