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Prostacyclin(PGI2)およびPGI2 analogueは,その特徴的な血管拡張作用と血小板凝集抑制作用から,虚血性心疾患における抗狭心症作用1,2),うっ血性心不全に対する減負荷作用3,4)の有用性に関する報告がなされている。さらに冠動脈結紮動物実験モデルでは,これらの薬剤により梗塞サイズが縮小される可能性も示されており,臨床的にもPGI2が急性期心筋梗塞のextensionを予防しうるとの報告もみられている8)。
PGI2自体は化学的にきわめて不安定であり,この欠点を補うよう開発された各種PGI2 analogueが現在臨床治験の段階にある。CS-570(三共)はわが国で開発されたcarbacyclinの誘導体であり(Fig. 1),本研究ではCS-570の急性心筋梗塞に対する有用性を調べるために,投与量を段階的に増加し,血行動態,血液ガス,血中prostanoids,catecholamine,cyclic nucleotidesに及ぼす効果を明らかにした。
Dose response effects of recently developed PGI2 analogue (CS-570, continuous iv. infusion 100, 150, 200ng/kg/min) on cardiac hemodynamics, blood gas and peripheral blood prostanoids (TXB2, 6-keto-PGF1α), NE, E and cyclic AMP & GMP levels were investigated and correlated with serum drug concentration (SDC) in ten patients with pump failure due to acute myocardial infarction.
Although first dose of 100ng/kg/min (SDC 13.7±6.6ng/ml) showed no significant hemodynamic effects, increases in doses of 150 and 200ng/kg/min (SDC 22.0±6.9, 34.4±13.2ng/ml, respectively) showed significant decrease in PCWP (24.6±6.7→21.1±6.6*, 21.4±6.5*mmHg. respectively), BPs*, BPm*, PAs*, PAd*, SVR*, PVR*, and significant increase in CI (2.4±0.7→2.8±0.8*, 2.7±0.7*l/min/m2, respectively) and SVI*. There was no significant change in HR, CVP, SWI, double product or TMG. None of NE, E, cyclic AMP & GMP and 6-keto-PGF1α, showed significant changes compared to basal levels, however TXB2 elevated significantly at 200ng/kg/min infusion (327.5±103.6→385.1±152.4, 576.9±384.1, 534.1±324.3*pg/ml), and PaO2** and SaO2* lowered significantly at 150 and 200ng/kg/min infusion. Among the study patients, SDC significantly correlated with ΔPVR (r=-0.46*) and ΔPaO2 (r=-0.39*), but there was no significant correlation with ΔCI, 4PCWP, JSVR nor. ΔTXB2.
These results suggested the clinical beneficial effect of CS-570 for the treatment of complicated acute myocardial infarction in terms of one of the balanced vasodilators, and possible influence on the prostanoids imbalance relating to the pathophysiology in the early stage of acute myocardial infarction. (mean±SD, *p< 0.05, **p<0,01)

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.