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肺胞蛋白症は,1958年Rosenらによって記載されて以来,注目すべき呼吸器疾患の1つとして次第にその報告例を数えて来ているが,肺胞蛋白症に対する治療は現今迄種々の試みが為されて来たとはいえ,その効果はまちまちで不定であると云われている1,2)。その中で,Ramirez, R.らのいわゆる肺洗浄が最も有効度の高いものとして治療の主流となっているが,その機構,方式,効果についても必ずしも明確なものとはいい難い現況と考えられる。
A pulmonary lavage has been believed to be a useful procedure for the treatment of alveolar pro-teinosis. However the pulmonary lavage raises some questions as follows. (1) Is it possible that the pul-monary lavage washes out really alveolar contents physically. (2) Is it true that the improvement of the patient is decided only by a mechanism of wash-ing out.
A 75-year-old man was admitted to our hospitalfor further examination of bilateral extensitive le-sion in a film of the chest. The patient had an ex-ploratory thoracotomy which revealed the alveolar proteinosis.
The patient was treated with a repeated infusion and suction of saline which contains Bromhexine hydrochloride. Lydocain through a bronchoscope or a bronchial intubation instead of a extensive pul-monary lavage and recovered with a remarkable reduction of a pulmonary shadow. Although they regard a extensive pulmonary lavage as necessary for the treatment of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis at present, we think that the repeated infusion into alveoli and alveolar stimuli are mandatory.

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