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Ventricular Gradient(以下G)の概念がWilson1)によって提唱されて以来,Gの測定は二次性ST-T変化に覆われた一次性ST-T変化の検出に非常に有用な方法であることが報告されている2〜4)。しかし,Gの正常範囲は広く5〜7),安静時のみのGの測定ではその臨床価値は少ないと思われる。したがって運動負荷時のGの変化を解析すれば,負荷により生じた心筋虚血による一次性ST-T変化を,心室内伝導過程の異常により生じる二次性ST-T変化から区別して評価することが可能であると思われる。そこで本研究は,健常群,労作性狭心症群,他に心疾患を有しない完全右脚ブロック群,および労作性狭心症を有する完全右脚ブロック群を対象として,運動負荷によるGの変化を解析し,心筋虚血に起因する一次性ST-T変化が,Gに与える影響を検討した。
The present study was undertaken to analyse the changes of spatial ventricular gradient (S.G.) pro-duced by exercise in 32 normal subjects (N), 12 patients with coronary artery disease (C.A.D.), 9 patients with C-RBBB without overt cardiac disease (C-RBBB), and 8 patients with C-RBBB who had angina pectoris (C-RBBB with angina pee.). Multi-stage exercise test was performed on a supine bi-cycle ergometer. Frank's lead XYZ electrocardio-grams were obtained before and after exercise. And S.G. was measured by signal processing system.
In N group, the changes of S.G. were slight both in magnitude and direction. In C.A.D. group, the changes of S.G. were significantly larger both in magnitude and direction when compared with those in N group.
In C-RBBB group, the changes of S.G. were simi-lar to those in N group. In C-RBBB with angina pee. group, the changes of S.G. were significantly larger both in magnitude and direction than those in C-RBBB group, and were similar to those in C.A.D. group.
Therefore. it will be able to detect the primary ST-T change that was masked by the secondary ST-T change in C-RBBB, when the changes of S.G. produced by exercise are measured.

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