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低酸素性肺血管攣縮発生の機序については,hypoxia自身の肺血管平滑筋に対する直接作用を重視する報告と2,3),他方hypoxiaによって肺組織から放出されるchemical mediatorsを重視する報告とがある4,5,6)。しかしながら摘出肺血管切片がhypoxiaによって収縮するには,肺組織の血管切片への付着が必要なこと4),hypoxiaは肺内のmast cell分泌活性を増加させること5),また低温によって低酸素肺血管攣縮が抑制あるいは阻止される6)などの報告は,いずれも後者のchemical mediators説を支持するものもある。
The mechanism of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension remains incompletely understood. We searched for possible mediators in right lymph duct (RLD) lymph, which were released from the lungs during hypoxic breathing in anesthetized dogs. In addition, the changes in RLD lymph flow were also examined.
1) Hypoxic ventilation, leading to pulmonary hypertension, in anesthetized dogs, was associated with increase flow of lymph in RLD. The mean increase flow of lymph was 29.5% with 8% oxygen and 106.4% with 5% oxygen breathing.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.