

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Studies on Cardiopulmonary Functions.With Reference to a Critical Study of Riley's Method Employing Two Distinct Levels of Oxygenation. Wataru Mizuta 1 1Department of Medicine, Yamaguchi University Medical School. pp.427-435
Published Date 1959/4/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404200760
  • Abstract
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Because of the technical difficulties of Riley's trial and error method, the reliability and accuracy of this method was examined.

On twenty-two patients having cardiopulmonary disease the following three studies were made, successively, under the post absorbtive steady state.

(1) high level of oxygenation (air breathing)

(2) low level of oxygenation (14 - 16% O2 breathing)

(3) high level of oxygenation (air breathing)

The puls rate, respiratory rate, tidal volume, expired air volume; pH, oxygen tension, oxygen saturation and carbon dioxide concentration of arterial blood, oxygen saturation and carbon dioxide concentration of mixed venous blood; effective alveolar oxygen tension, percent dead space and car-diac index were determined in every case.

From the combination of (1) and (2), and, of (2) and (3) ; a pair of percentage venous admix-tures, mean alveolo-capillary oxygen tension gradients and diffusion coefficients were calculated. The following conclusions were reached:

(1) This method was relatively reproducible and reliable provided that the patients were under the steady state during the studies.

(2) The percent venous admixture seemed to be affected by the arterial blood oxygen tension and RQ during the high level of oxygenation.

No specific factors which affected the mean alveolo-capillary oxygen tension gradient and the di-ffusion coefficient could be found. However, it appeared most necessary to maintain the steady state throughout the examination in order to obtain reliable results.

(3) The standard errors were found to be as follows:

Percent venous admixture: ±3%

Mean alveolo-capillary oxygen tension gradient: ±2mm. Hg

Diffusion coefficient: ±2ml./min/m2/mm. Hg

(4) No significant differences could be found between the duplicate determinations of the three components; percent venous admixture, mean alveolo-capillary oxygen tension gradient and diffusion coefficient. Therefore, we should be able to begin the breathing either with high oxygen or low oxy-gen when employing Riley's two distinct levels of oxygenation method.

(5) Under the high level of oxygenation and steady state during one and a half hour to two hours, no statistical differences were found in the puls rate, respiratory rate, tidal volume, expired air volume ; pH, oxygen saturation, oxygen tension and carbon dioxide tension of arterial blood, mixed venous blood oxygen saturation, effective alveolar oxygen tension, percent dead space and cardiac index.

Copyright © 1959, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


