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要旨●非特異性多発性小腸潰瘍症(CEAS)は持続的な出血に起因する慢性の貧血と低蛋白血症を特徴とする比較的まれな遺伝性疾患である.小腸に多発潰瘍を来すためCrohn病(CD)との鑑別が必要であるが,全例で遺伝学的検査を行うことは現実的でないため,簡便かつ非侵襲的なスクリーニング検査法が必要とされている.今回筆者らは,CEASとCDの鑑別における尿中プロスタグランジンE主要代謝産物(PGE-MUM)濃度の有用性について検討した.CEAS 20例とCD 98例を対象とした.PGE-MUM濃度はCD患者と比較しCEAS患者において有意に高値であった(中央値102.7 vs 27.9μg/g×Cre,p<0.0001).ROC解析では至適カットオフ値は48.9μg/g×Creと算出され,その際の感度は95.0%,特異度は79.6%であった.PGE-MUMは,CEASとCDの鑑別において有用な検査であると考えられた.
Chronic nonspecific multiple ulcers of the small intestine is a hereditary enteropathy characterized by persistent blood and protein loss. It is sometimes challenging to distinguish CEAS(chronic enteropathy associated with SLCO2A1 gene)from CD(Crohn's disease)because both diseases are primarily characterized by multiple small intestinal ulcers. However, it is unrealistic to conduct genetic screening for all patients suspected of having CD or CEAS. This study investigated whether PGE-MUM(prostaglandin E-major urinary metabolites)are useful for distinguishing CEAS from CD. In total, 20 patients with CEAS and 98 patients with CD were enrolled in this study. PGE-MUM concentration in patients with CEAS was found to be significantly higher than that in patients with CD(median, 102.7 vs. 27.9μg/g×Cre ; p<0.0001). ROC curve analysis revealed that the optimal PGE-MUM cutoff value for distinguishing CEAS from CD was 48.9μg/g×Cre with 95.0% sensitivity and 79.6% specificity. Therefore, PGE-MUM measurement can be considered a useful test for distinguishing CEAS from CD.

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