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要旨●患者は40歳代,女性.20歳代から回盲部潰瘍,吻合部潰瘍を繰り返し,2度の腸管切除歴があった.30歳代で吻合部潰瘍の再燃のため当科に初診となった.発症16年後に陰部潰瘍が出現し不全型Behçet病と診断された.その後,潰瘍は増悪傾向となり,プレドニゾロン,インフリキシマブなどで加療されたが治療効果に乏しかった.発症19年後,吻合部に下掘れ潰瘍および狭窄を呈し,内科治療に抵抗性であることから吻合部切除術を施行した.しかし,術後早期に潰瘍は再燃増悪し,穿孔を来したため人工肛門造設を要した.術後は在宅中心静脈栄養療法を中心とした加療を行っていたが,発症20年後に汎血球減少を来し,骨髄異形成症候群の合併およびtrisomy 8陽性が確認された.
A 40-year-old woman, who underwent repeated colectomies and presented with incomplete Behcet's disease, was admitted to our hospital for further treatment of an intractable ulcer at the anastomotic site. Ileocolonoscopy and barium follow-through study revealed an undermining ulcer with stenosis at the anastomosis site. Thus, intestinal resection of the anastomotic site was performed, and postoperative medication with infliximab and cyclosporine was initiated. However, acute flare-up and intestinal perforation occurred, requiring ileostomy. During her postoperative course, pancytopenia occurred, and trisomy 8-positive myelodysplastic syndrome was diagnosed via bone-marrow examination.

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