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要旨 高齢化に伴う全身状態の悪化などの合併症や薬剤起因性潰瘍の増加,さらに加齢による胃酸分泌能の変化などにより,高齢者の消化性潰瘍では特有の病像を呈する.今回の筆者らの検討では,高齢者消化性潰瘍症例ではNSAIDや低用量アスピリン服用例が多く,また十二指腸潰瘍より胃潰瘍が多く,胃体部より口側の病変が多く認められ,潰瘍径は大きい傾向を認めた.臨床症状では腹痛が少ないのに対し,吐血・タール便・貧血などの出血症状が多かった.内視鏡治療では,高齢のためクリッピングによる止血が困難であったことから,soft凝固法を用いた症例が多かった.高齢者潰瘍では重篤な合併症により全身状態が悪化することも多く,有効な予防策を講じる必要がある.
The frequency of severe complications is higher in elderly patients than in young patients. NSAIDs and low-dose aspirin are often prescribed for elderly patients. Physiological functions of the stomach such as acid secretion in elderly patients are also different from those in young patients. Hemorrhage and perforation can suddenly occur in elderly patients even though abdominal symptoms are mild. There is a tendency for the condition of such patients to deteriorate and long-term hospitalization is often required. Effective prevention measures are necessary since it is expected that cases of gastrointestinal injury caused by NSAIDs will continue to increase.
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