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要旨 高齢者炎症性腸疾患患者の臨床的特徴について検討した.65歳以上の高齢者の割合はUCで19.3%,CDで9.5%であり,UCのほうがCDより有意に高齢者の割合が高かった.治療法では,高齢者のほうがタクロリムス・抗体製剤の使用歴の割合が有意に低かった.UC入院例9例中7例で臨床症状の改善が認められたが,多くは寛解導入の治療としてステロイドが使用されていた.サイトメガロウイルスの再活性化が認められた症例は3例(33%)であったが,全例で抗ウイルス薬の投与が行われていた.手術例は2例(22%)のみであり内科治療でコントロールされている例も多かったが,重篤な感染症・糖尿病の悪化なども認められたことより,高齢者の炎症性腸疾患では治療効果判定をより早期に行うことが重要であると考えられた.
Clinical features of elderly patients with IBD(inflammatory bowel disease)have been investigated. The percentage of patients aged 65 years with UC(ulcerative colitis)and CD(Crohn's disease)was 19.3% and 9.5%, respectively. The percentage of previous/present usage of tacrolimus/biologics in elderly IBD patients was significantly lower than that in non-elderly patients. Admission was needed in 9 UC patients from 2007 to 2011. Among these patients, 7 patients achieved clinical responses. Five patients were treated with steroid. Reactivations for cytomegalovirus infections were observed in 3(33%)patients and antiviral treatments were used in all 3 patients. While only 2(22%)of 9 patients required surgery, most of the other cases maintained remission. However, serious infection and deterioration of diabetes was observed due to the use of steroid/immunosuppressants. Thus, early assessment for clinical efficacy of medical treatment should be carried out in elderly patients with IBD.

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