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要旨 膵癌外科治療の現況と外科治療上の幾つかの問題点について述べた.すなわち神戸大学第1外科における膵癌症例は128例である.これらのうち31例が切除術,54例が姑息的手術,16例が試験開腹術であった.手術直接成績は切除例で16.1%,姑息的手術で7.4%,術後の平均生存月は前者で17.7カ月,後者で4.3カ月であった.膵癌全国登録症例は2,005例である.これらのうち503例が切除術,897例が姑息的手術,158例が単開腹術を受けている.手術直接成績は切除例で5.8%,姑息的手術例で7.6%であった.膵癌の外科治療に関連して膵全摘術,拡大根治手術,姑息的手術などの問題点について論じた.
All 128 patients were diagnosed as pancreatic cancer at the First Department of Surgery in Kobe University Hospital. One hundred and one patients of them underwent surgery ; resection was done in 31 patients, palliative operation in 54 patients and simple laparotomy in 16 patients. There were five postoperative deaths in the cases which underwent the resection, and four deaths in the palliation.
The average survival for the patients undertaken the resection was 17.7 months, and that for the patients undertaken the bypass for palliation was 4.3 months.
According to cases reported to the National Pancreatic Cancer Registration Committee in Japanese Pancreatic Society, there were 2,005 cases in pancreatic cancer between January 1981 and December 1982. Five hundred and three cases underwent the resection, 897 cases were received the palliative operation, and 158 cases were simple laparotomy. There was a postoperative mortality rate of 5.8 percent in the cases in whom the resection was done, and 7.6 percent in the palliative operation.

Copyright © 1984, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.