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要旨 膵癌は罹患統計でも死亡統計でも増加傾向にあり,女よりも男に高率であり,加齢と共に増加する傾向がある.ただし,この膵癌の増加傾向についてはエコー,CT,ERCPなどの画像診断の進歩による診断精度の向上の影響も考えなければならない.膵癌の発生要因としては59例の組織学的確定診断の得られた新発生の膵癌についての症例・対照研究から,癌の家族歴,特に胃癌の家族歴や喫煙が膵癌のリスク・ファクターとして検出された.特に,喫煙については1日の喫煙本数と相対危険度との問に用量依存性を認めた.
In Japan, age-adjusted incidence rate from pancreatic cancer increased from 1963 to 1976. The age-adjusted mortality rate of this disease also increased from 1955 to 1981. Male was dominant in both rates. The incidence rate and the mortality rate increased with age in both sexes.
Case-control study of pancreatic cancer was conducted. Fifty-nine cases of histologically diagnosed pancreatic cancer were compared to the same number of non-cancer hospital controls at two hospitals in Kyoto, 1978-1983. Controls were matched for age (within two years), sex and hospital.
Family history of patients with any cancers, especially with gastric cancer showed an increasing risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Cigarette smoking was also an increasing risk factor for this disease.

Copyright © 1984, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.