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要旨 2004年8月から2010年8月までの6年間に施行した上部消化管内視鏡検査46,816例中,病理組織学的にヘルペスウイルス,サイトメガロウイルス,カンジダのいずれかの診断がなされた食道炎を対象に検討した.ヘルペス食道炎は7例(0.015%),サイトメガロウイルス食道病変は25例(0.053%),治療を要するKodsiらによる内視鏡的重症度分類のGrade II以上の食道カンジダ症は30例(0.064%)であった。ヘルペス食道炎の内視鏡像は,混合感染の有無により形態が異なり,単独感染2例では,浅い小潰瘍が多発し,進行に伴い潰瘍は融合し縦走または地図状の潰瘍を形成していた.潰瘍は比較的浅く,潰瘍周囲を縁取るように白濁した粘膜がみられた.CMV食道炎の内視鏡像は,(1)打ち抜き潰瘍と,(2)打ち抜き潰瘍ほど深くない,びらんもしくは潰瘍性病変の2つに大別された.抗CMV薬による治療経過を観察した15例では,全例寛解したが,寛解までの期間は,潰瘍の深さと大きさに関係しており,びらんもしくは潰瘍は2週間で上皮化されたが,打ち抜き潰瘍は上皮化までに3週間以上を要した.治療を要するGrade II~IVの食道カンジダ症は,基礎疾患を有する症例に多く,HIV患者11例,ステロイド使用2例,癌患者11例(術後3例を含む),慢性皮膚粘膜カンジダ1例,肝硬変4例,GERD 1例であった.食道の狭小化を示したGrade IVは1例のみであった.
In order to clarify endoscopic characteristics of infectious esophagitis,62 cases with esophageal mucosal lesions caused by viral or candida infection among 46,816 cases underwent upper endoscopy from August 2004 to August 2010 were analyzed.
Cause of infectious esophagitis were herpes virus,CMV(cytomegarovirus)and candida. 7 cases with herpetic esophagitis(0.015% in all upper endoscopies)had been diagnosed by pathological studies on endscopic biopsy specimens. Endoscopic findings of Herpetic esophagitis were multiple small and shallow ulcers in early stage. Thereafter, ulcers agglutinate each other and resulted in longitudinal or irregular shaped macular shallow ulcers edged with milky mucosa. 25 cases with CMV esophagitis could be classified to 2 types. Type A had punched-out ulcers and type B with shallow ulcers or erosions. We had observed treatment process in 15 cases with CMV esophagitis that got remission by anti-CMV drugs. The period to the remission and the depth of ulcers had close relationship. Type B ulcers had been epithelized in 2 weeks, and type A punch-out ulcers in 3 weeks or more. Grade II~IV candida esophagitis indicated for treatments were noted in 30 cases(0.064%). They had HIV infedtion in 11cases, cancer in 11(3 were post-operation), liver cirrhosis in 4, steroids user in 2, chronic mucocutaneous candidiases in 1 and GERD in 1. Only 1 cases had Grade IV esophagitis with esophageal stenosis.

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