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要旨 食道扁平上皮癌の内視鏡治療として,一括切除できる病変の大きさに制限のあるEMRと,大きい病変を一括切除できるESDの適応を明らかにするため,自験EMR例の治療成績について検討した.2005年1月から2006年12月までの2年間にEMRを施行した25mm程度までの病変で,一括切除が可能と判断した106例を検討対象とした.EMR施行106例の内訳は,T1a-EP 76例,T1a-LPM 10例,T1a-MM 14例,SM1 2例,SM2 4例であり,病変の大きさでは,① 5mm以下の微小癌13 例,② 5mmを超え10mmまでの小癌25例,③ 10mmを超え15mmまでが36例,④ 15mmを超え20mmまでの食道癌が21例,⑤ 20mmを超える食道癌が11例であった.病変の大きさと一括切除率の検討では,① 5mm以下の微小癌と② ~10mmまでの小癌は100%,③ ~15mmまでの食道癌は97%,④ ~20mmまでは83%,⑤ 20mmを超える食道癌は78%であった.食道扁平上皮癌の内視鏡治療において,長径15mm以下の病変に対しては,短時間で容易にかつ安全に一括切除が可能なEMRを適用し,これを超える大きさの病変に対しては,ESDを適用することが合理的と考える.
We studied the indications for endoscopic mucosal resection(EMR), which has a size limitation, and endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD)for lump resection of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(SCC)based on investigation of the results in cases that underwent EMR in our hospital. The study population consisted of 106 patients treated by EMR with lump resection for lesions <25 mm in diameter between January 2005 and December 2006. The depths of invasion in these 106 cases were as follows : T1a-EP(n=76),T1a-LPM(10),T1a-MM(14),SM1(2), and SM2(4). The lesion size distribution was as follows : minute carcinoma≦5 mm(n=13), small carcinoma 5 mm to 10 mm(25),10 mm to 15 mm(36),15 mm to 20 mm(21),>20 mm(11). The ratio of lump resection in each size class were as follows : minute carcinoma≦5 mm,100% ; small carcinoma 5 mm to 10 mm,100% ; 10 mm to 15 mm,97% ; 15 mm to 20 mm,83% ; and >20 mm in diameter,78%.
In endoscopic resection of early squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus, complete eradication by one-piece resection and precise histological examinations on resected specimen allow us to avoid local recurrence and to provide appropriate adjuvant treatment. In cases with lesions less than 15mm in size,EMR is recommended for frequent one-piece resection and easier manipulation compared to ESD. Although ESD requires difficult manipulation, it should be indicated for lesions over 15mm in size, for it provides frequent one-piece resection than EMR.

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