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要旨 HIV感染症例における上部消化管病変検索のため,2004年8月から2010年8月までに,HIV患者226例に458件の上部消化管内視鏡検査を施行した.病理組織学的に確認された病変は,CMV感染症33例(15%)42病変,HSV感染症5例(2%),ジアルジア症2例(0.9%),Kaposi肉腫16例(7%),他に,カンジダ症36例(16%),特発性食道潰瘍3例(1.3%)であった.CMV感染では,食道病変が最も多く76%にみられたが,中~下部食道に多い特徴的な打ち抜き潰瘍は,20%にしかみられなかった.CMVの胃病変は,全例体下部~前庭部に存在し,1cm程度の円形~楕円形びらんの多発病巣が2/3を占めていた.Kaposi肉腫の94%は多発例であり,胃病変が81%と最も多くみられた.10mm以下の小病変が約60%を占めており,鮮紅~暗赤色,暗紫色,暗褐色などの色調が混在する円形や楕円形の粘膜下腫瘍様隆起であった.また,多発隆起の62%は,陥凹や潰瘍を伴っていた.HIV感染症例で上部消化管病変を有する症例では,いずれもCD4値の低下を伴っており,CD4値の低下に伴う日和見感染のために,複数の疾患の混合感染例もみられた.
A total of 458 upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopies on 226 HIV(human immunodeficiency virus)infected patients between August 2004 and August 2010 were reviewed to clarify upper GI(gastrointestinal)lesions in cases with HIV infection. Histopathologically confirmed lesions included 42 CMV(cytomegalovirus)infections in 33 cases(15%),HSV(herpes simplex virus)infections in 5 cases(2%), candida infections in 36 cases(16%), giardiasis in 2 cases(0.9%),KS(Kaposi sarcoma)in 16 cases(7%)and idiopathic esophageal ulcer in 3 cases(1.3%).
Among CMV infections, esophageal lesions were most common, observed in 76% of all cases, but characteristic punched out ulcers often observed in the middle and lower esophagus were only seen in 20% of cases. CMV gastric lesions were presented in the lower body and the antrum and 2/3 of the lesions were about 1cm in size and round or oval in shape erosive multiple lesions. Ninety-four percent of cases with KS had multiple lesions, and gastric lesions were seen in 81% of cases. Approximately 60% of KS were small lesions 10mm or less in size, and were round or oval submucosal tumor-like protrusions with various colors, such as bright red, dark red, dark purple and dark brown. Sixty-two percent of multiple protrusions were accompanied indentations and ulcers.
Cases of HIV infections with upper GI tract lesions were all accompanied with decreased CD4 values. Mixed infections due to opportunistic infections were also observed.

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