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・臀部に生じた限局性リンパ管腫(lymphangioma circumscriptum:LC)を経験した. ・生下時より右臀部の肥大を自覚していたが精査はしておらず,感染を契機に診断に至った. ・抗菌薬投与で症状は速やかに改善した.根治治療は希望されず経過観察となった. (「症例のポイント」より)
A case of lymphangioma circumscriptum with infection
Yano, Yumiko1)Inami, Maiko2)Matsuo, Haruka2)Ota, Mayumi2)Idezuki, Takeo2)Igarashi, Atsuyuki2) 1)Department of Dermatology, Tokyo Teishin Hospital 2)Department of Dermatology, Nippon telegraph and Telephone East Corporation Kanto Medical Center
Abstract A 28 - year - old man presented with erythema, swelling, and pain in the right buttock. He was aware of the fact that the right buttock was larger than the time of birth. Laboratory data showed inflammatory reaction, and pelvic CT scanning revealed multifocused cyst in the subcutaneous tissue. In histpathological study, there were dilated limphatic channels in the dermis. From these findings, the case was diagnosed with Lymphangioma circumscriptum with infection. The patient’s symptoms improved by the treatment with antibiotics and drainage.
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