

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The Roles of Calcium and Phosphorus in Cardiovascular Diseases. TRIC channel and hypertension. Yamazaki Daiju 1 , Tao Shengchen 2 , Takeshima Hiroshi 3 1Graate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Unit for Physiological Chemistry, Kyoto University, Japan. 2Graate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Unit for Physiological Chemistry, Kyoto University, Japan. 3Graate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Unit for Physiological Chemistry, Kyoto University, Japan. pp.543-550
Published Date 2013/3/28
DOI https://doi.org/10.20837/4201304085
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 TRIC channel subtypes form bullet-shaped homo-trimeric assemblies and behave as K+ channels in intracellular membrane systems. The pathophysiological defects observed in knockout mice suggest that TRIC channels mediate counter-K+ movements to facilitate Ca2+ release from intracellular stores in various cell types. In vascular smooth muscle cells(VSMCs),Ca2+ release mediated by ryanodine receptors(RyRs)generates local Ca2+ sparks, which activate cell-surface Ca2+-dependent K+ channels and induce hyperpolarization. Tric-a-knockout mice develop hypertension due to elevated resting tonus in the mutant VSMCs. In Tric-a-knockout VSMCs, RyR-mediated Ca2+ sparks are compromised and the hyperpolarization signaling is thus impaired. Under such depolarized conditions, voltage-dependent L-type Ca2+ channels are hyper-activated to enhance resting tonus in Tric-a-knockout VSMCs. Therefore, the expression level of TRIC-A channels in VSMCs seems to set resting blood pressure at whole animal level. Moreover, our association study identified several single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs)around the TRIC-A gene that increase a hypertension risk and restrict the efficiency of antihypertensive drugs. The observations suggest that the TRIC-A SNPs can provide biomarkers for the diagnosis and personalized medical treatment of essential hypertension.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0917-5857 医薬ジャーナル社


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