

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Comparison of myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging between a new whole-body CZT-SPECT camera and a dedicated cardiac CZT-SPECT camera Mitsuru Kanisawa 1 1Department of Radiology Sakakibara Heart Institute Keyword: 全身用半導体SPECT装置 , 心臓専用半導体SPECT装置 , 心筋SPECT画像 pp.19-25
Published Date 2022/1/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.18888/rp.0000001815
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Purpose:Dedicated cardiac CZT-SPECT cameras demonstrate superior performances compared with Anger-SPECT cameras. We assessed the feasibility and availability of a new whole-body CZT-SPECT camera ‘VERITON’ compared with a dedicated cardiac CZT-SPECT camera ‘D-SPECT’ for myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging in same cases. Methods:We included cases who consented to undergo SPECT imaging with 201Tl at treadmill or vasodilator stress using both cameras between November 2019 and April 2020. Stress image was taken with both cameras for the same time first, and rest image taken four hours later. We compared SSS, SRS and SDS of acquired images by visual analysis, and %Ischemia, EDV, ESV and EF by quantitative analysis between both cameras. Results:Eight cases(five males, mean 70.5 years of age)were included finally. There were no significant differences in SSS, SRS and SDS by visual analysis between both cameras. %Ischemia and EDV were not significantly different by quantitative analysis though EF was significantly different. The feature of images of VERITON was lower perfusion at inferior wall or uniform perfusion compared with D-SPECT.

Conclusions:Our study suggested the feasibility of myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging using a new whole-body CZT-SPECT camera ‘VERITON’ with understanding of the features, compared with a dedicated cardiac CZT-SPECT camera ‘D-SPECT’.

Copyright © 2022, KANEHARA SHUPPAN Co.LTD. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0009-9252 金原出版


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