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レビー小体病(Lewy body disease:LBD)は,異常蛋白の蓄積によって中枢神経系や末梢自律神経を中心に神経細胞の変性や脱落を生じる病態で,主にレビー小体型認知症(dementia with Lewy bodies:DLB),パーキンソン病(Parkinson’s disease:PD)などが含まれる1)。交感神経機能評価が可能な123I-MIBG心筋シンチグラフィはLBDの診断において強力なツールであり,その有用性については我が国を中心に数多く報告されている2-4)。また近年改訂されたDLB臨床診断基準では123I-MIBG指標が「支持的特徴」から「指標的バイオマーカー」へと格上げされ,MIBGの有用性がさらに示された形となった5)。
Objective:The aim of this study was to elucidate whether the washout rate(WR)are useful for diagnosing LBD, especially for the LBD patients with normal early 123I-MIBG H/M ratios.
Materials and Methods:We included 479 patients with clinically suspected LBD who had undergone 123I-MIBG early(15 min)and delayed(3 h)myocardial imaging studies. The final diagnosis consisted of LBD in 222 patients(111 males, 111 females;mean age±SD, 72.1±10.4 years;range, 40- 89 years)and non-LBD in 257 patients(110 males, 147 females;mean age±SD, 70.8±10.1 years;range, 35- 92 years). First, we examined the usefulness of early and delayed H/M ratios and WR in the diagnosis of LBD in whole cases. Second, we evaluated whether WR can be useful in the group without decrease of H/M ratio(normal 123I-MIBG myocardial uptake group).
Results:In whole analysis, the LBD patients showed significantly lower early H/M ratios(1.9±0.5 vs. 2.9±0.59, p<0.0001), lower delayed H/M ratios(1.6±0.7 vs. 3.0±0.7, p<0.0001)and higher WR(46.0±17.3 vs. 24.8±19.0, p<0.0001)than the non-LBD patients. When we defined the early H/M ratio≥2.1 as normal 123I-MIBG myocardial uptake group, 291 patients showed normal early myocardial uptake(52 LBD patients;27 males and 25 females;mean age±SD, 68.7±13.9 years;range, 40- 89 years and 239 non-LBD patients;101 males and 138 females;mean age±SD, 70.7±10.2 years;range, 35- 92 years). In the normal 123I-MIBG myocardial uptake group, the WR showed significantly higher in LBD patients than in non-LBD patients(33.7±18.7% vs. 20.4±17.1%, p=0.012).
Conclusion:All 3 indices(early and delayed H/M ratios and WR)were useful for diagnosing LBD. Even in cases of early normal H/M ratios, acceleration of WR may be observed in LBD patients and WR may be a useful index for diagnosing LBD in such cases.

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