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The purpose of this study was to make clear the improvement in ADL at stroke patients after dischage, and the factors that contributed the improvement. The registrants of stroke patients in Toyama prefecture were investigated. The subjects were 704 people aged 50 years and over randomly sampled out of 933 people who were alive at March 1995. The questionnaire was send and 504 (71.6%) were withdrawn.
The results were as follow. From multiple logistic regression analysis, significant factors affecting the improvement after discharge were ; "69 years and younger", "no dementia", "the patients who had been explained how to take care at home" and "discharged to other hospital or facility "in moving ability, "no dementia" and "admission less than 3 times" in feeding ability, "69 years and younger", "no dementia", "discharged to other hospital or facility" and "admission less than 3 times" in bathing ability, and "no dementia", "the patients who had caregiver", "discharged to other hospital or facility" and "admission less than 3 times" in excretion ability.
Copyright © 1999, Japan Academy of Gerontological Nursing All rights reserved.