

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The Learning Needs of Students for Disastr Relief Theory in Basic Nursing Education Mariko Ohara 1 Keyword: 看護基礎教育 , 災害救護論 , 災害救護訓練 , Basic Nursing Education , Disaster Relief Theory , Disaser Relief Drill pp.17-27
Published Date 2000/1/30
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7008200320
  • Abstract
  • Reference
  • Cited by

In April 1998, a course of 'Disaster Relief Theory' has been established as one of compulsory subjects in 2nd grade Nursing Special Course where obtains 2 credits in 60 hours, by the turning point of a curriculum revision.

This course is composed of 6 elements; 1)domestic relief activity of Red Cross, 2)disaster and international cooperation, 3)peculiarity and basis of disaster nursing, 4)self management in relief activity ,5)participation of the disaster relie ftrainings and 6)Red Cross First Aid.

In order to finding out the requirement for students in this new course and to make its material for future classes as well as establishing the strategy development, a questionnaire survey was conducted among those 88, 2nd grade college students after completing 1)to 4)classes. Its returning rate was 89.7%. As the result, following points were found: 1)students' demands of study and interest towards the Disaster Relief Theory were confirmed, 2)'Triage' was the theme of the highest interest from students and 3)the theme on technical relie fskil lwas confirmed as students' demands.

From now on, it is hopefully expected of increasing students' demands towards study when the class consists their interest and/or demands, likewise triage and technical skills.

Copyright © 2000, Japan Society of Disaster Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-0204 日本災害看護学会


