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要旨:本研究では「高齢者の生活期リハビリテーションに携わる作業療法士のコンピテンシー項目(案)」の自己評価尺度を開発する目的で信頼性・妥当性を検討した.調査対象は,生活期リハビリテーションに従事する作業療法士とし,得られた363名の有効回答について,回答の偏りを確認後,探索的因子分析を行った.その結果,本尺度は30項目5因子構造であることが推察された.この予測をもとに共分散構造分析を実施したところ,適合度指標CFI=.921,RMSEA=.055で良好な構成概念妥当性を有していることが確認された.また,信頼性はCronbach's α=.79〜.95で内的整合性が保たれていることが明らかとなり,本尺度は十分な信頼性・妥当性を有していることが示された.
We previously prepared the “Self-assessment scale of the competencies of occupational therapists (OTs) engaged with community-dwelling elderly adults with disabilities” consisting of 68 items, using the Delphi technique. The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of this scale. Questionnaires were sent to randomly chosen OTs engaged with community-based rehabilitation (CBR) of elderly adults who belong to Japan OT association. We performed exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and covariance structure analysis (CSA) after evaluating sample characteristics. Internal consistency reliability (ICR) was evaluated using Cronbach's α coefficient. As a result, 363 OTs who answered all items were included. This scale was structured by 5 factors and 30 items. CSA was performed based on this prediction, and revealed CFI=.921 and RMSEA=.055, respectively, in which sufficient applicability of the constructive concept was confirmed. ICR was calculated as Cronbach's α =.79〜.95. Our developed scale was reliable and valid.

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