

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Pain Assessment in Elderly Cancer Patients with Cognitive Impairment Nami Sakuraba 1,2 1Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Graduate School of Nursing & Social Services, post-doctoral 2Toho University, Faculty of Nursing Keyword: がん疼痛 , 認知機能低下 , 疼痛アセスメント , 高齢者 , cancer pain , Cognitive Impairment , pain assessment , Elderly pp.109-117
Published Date 2018/12/31
  • Abstract
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 Background: Because pain management is complex, a comprehensive approach to assessment and management using validated tools is necessary for optimal care. There is strong evidence that the pain of elderly cancer patients with cognitive impairment is underdetected and that leads to poor management. This study was designed to identify how palliative care nurses evaluate pain in clinical settings to identify the needs for better assessment.

 Method: Semi-structured interviews and participant observations were conducted involving nurses with experience in providing care for elderly cancer patients with cognitive impairment. The content of the interviews was supplemented by the data obtained by participation observation. Interviews were audio-taped and the contents were transcribed verbatim. The data obtained was analyzed qualitatively and inductively.

 Result: The 7 nurses interviewed used the following methods for assessing pain: The coded interview data yielded 20 codes, 6 categories: inferring the suffering of patients who pretend not to be suffering pain; continuing to listen to patients' inaccurate verbal expressions of pain; taking the time to find confirming evidence that changes in the patients' behaviors or verbal expressions are caused by pain; referring to the patients' clinical conditions in order to judge their pain; assessing pain based on their usual behaviors; reminding the patients of their previous pain care that was effective, and eliminating physical factors that make the patients uncomfortable.

 Conclusion: The nurses assumed that they could not depend on verbal expressions of pain alone in accurately assessing pain in patients with cognitive impairment. When these nurses realized unnoticeable changes in the patients' behaviors, they tried various interventions in order to determine whether the changes were caused by pain. Simultaneously, it was revealed that the nurses assessed pain tentatively based on their knowledge of cancer nursing and on the clinical conditions. The analysis results suggest the importance of using various techniques in order to adequately understand changes in the behaviors and verbal expressions of elderly cancer patients with cognitive impairment.

Copyright © 2018, Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2189-7565 印刷版ISSN 0914-6423 日本がん看護学会


