

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The process involved in outpatient nursing care of elderly patients with diabetes whose self-care behavior had become impaired owing to decreased cognitive functions Kaori Ishizaki 1 , Hagiko Aoki 2 1Shinrakuen Hospital 2Niigata University Keyword: 糖尿病療養行動 , 高齢者 , 認知機能低下 , 外来看護 , 修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチ , self-care behavior of patients with diabetes , elderly , decreased cognitive functions , nursing care at the outpatient department , modified grounded theory approach pp.108-118
Published Date 2018/9/20
  • Abstract
  • Reference
  • Cited by

 The objective of this study was to clarify the process involved in outpatient nursing care of elderly patients with diabetes whose self-care behavior had become impaired owing to decreased cognitive functions. We analyzed the interview responses of 6 nurses at the outpatient department by the modified grounded theory approach.

 The process started with “conviction about a patient's decreased cognitive function,” followed by “capture of the current condition of the patient with decreased cognitive function” and “recognition of the necessity for a support system,” and finally arrived at “help the patient exhibit steady self-care behavior” and “support the patient's family members to select their roles of assistance.” This was followed by a process where the best environment for both the patient and the family members was sought; at the same time, following “evaluation of a balanced environment”, care provision was continued with “forecast for progression of the patient's decreased cognitive function status and vision of care provision.” Care was always provided based on a “consistent policy rooted in nursing care.” As indicated by “balancing of self-emotion” and “question about the meaning of steadiness,” the statements of the nurses were characterized by the fact that compassion for a patient and their family members had caused ambivalence and deliberation in practice.

Copyright © 2018, Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2432-3713 印刷版ISSN 1342-8497 日本糖尿病教育・看護学会


