

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Experiences of and Strategies to Manage Cancer Pain in Elderly Patients with Cancer Under Home Care Mikiko Kawamura 1 , Etsuko Kojima 2 1Sapporo City University, School of Nursing 2Sapporo University of Health Sciences, School of Health Sciences Keyword: がん疼痛 , 症状マネジメント , 高齢者 , 在宅 , cancer pain , symptom management , elderly , under home care pp.20-28
Published Date 2021/12/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Objectives: The objective of the study is to clarify the experiences and management strategies of cancer pain in elderly patients with cancer under home health care.

 Methods: Using Dodd's 2001 model of symptom management as the conceptual framework, we collected data from elderly patients with cancer pain through a semi-structured interview and performed content analysis.

 Results: We identified the following six categories of cancer pain experiences: 1) experiencing pain as long as one has cancer, 2) being aware of pain limiting independence in daily life, 3) learning the pattern of pain fluctuations during daily life, 4) experiencing failure makes one stay in one's comfort zone, 5) failing to use analgesics as instructed, and 6) learning the effects of analgesics gradually during daily life activities. In addition, we identified the following seven categories of cancer pain management strategies for elderly cancer patients: 1) continuing to search for and try pain management methods that appear successful based on their own physical sensations, 2) asking for help when it seems impossible to manage on their own, 3) changing previous perspectives and methods and finding something enjoyable to do, 4) taking care of themselves based on their own physical sensations as a pain prevention indicator, 5) trying to communicate with their own physician about pain, 6) experiencing an inability to communicate with their physician because of not being able to describe the pain exactly the way that it is felt, and 7) leaving it to their physician.

 Discussions: Learning safe ranges from experiences of failure and continuing to try methods that seem successful are active strategies that elderly patients with cancer developed to maintain an independent lifestyle at home, where there is limited contact with medical professionals, and the strategies should be supported.

Copyright © 2021, Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2189-7565 印刷版ISSN 0914-6423 日本がん看護学会


