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Objectives: The objective of this study was to identify child fall prevention measures that were implemented on which consensus was reached by the pediatric nurses.
Methods: Three steps of the Delphi technique were carried out and applied to the creation of a questionnaire and two questionnaire evaluations. Participants included 110 pediatric nurses and 44 items were included in the questionnaire as measures to be implemented for child fall prevention. Responses were given as five scores ranging from 5 (strongly agree) to 1 (strongly disagree) for each of the measures.
Results: Answers were obtained from 90 participants in the 2nd questionnaire evaluation. Thirty-five items had measures with an agreement rate of 80% or more, consisting of 8 items of measures for children, 16 items of measures for parents, 5 items of measures for the environments, and 6 items of measures for activities in the ward. These items served as the measures to be implemented for child fall prevention on which a consensus was reached.
Conclusion: The measures for parents were the highest in number and this shows the importance of parents' cooperation in child fall prevention.
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