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自己決定型学習とは,自らの学習ニード把握から適切な学習方法の実施・評価まで個人が学習のイニシアチブを取る一連のプロセスを指し,成人の学習や高等教育の場面で求められる学習姿勢である.自己決定型学習準備性とは,そのために求められる個人特性や態度等をその人がどれだけ持っているのかの程度である.看護学の成人学習者の自己決定型学習準備性の測定にはFisherらが開発したSelf-Directed Learning Readiness Scale for Nursing Education(SDLRSNE)を用いることができ,また様々な国・職種を対象に翻訳がされているため国際的な比較も可能である.本研究の目的は,本尺度を翻訳し日本語版SDLRSNEを開発することである.日本語版SDLRSNEの作成は開発者であるFisher氏の許可を得た上で,順翻訳,逆翻訳,ウェブ調査によるパイロットテストの順で実施した.その結果,表面妥当性のある日本語版SDLRSNEが完成した.本尺度は看護学の成人学習者を対象にした教育の方法の検討やその効果を測定する際に活用することができると考えられる.今後,信頼性・妥当性を検証し結果を報告していく予定である.
Self-directed learning is a process in which learners take initiative in determining their own learning needs and in choosing and evaluating appropriate methods of learning. Self-directed learning readiness describes the degree to which individuals, for instance adult learners in nursing, possess the necessary attitude and capabilities for self-directed learning, and can be measured by the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale for Nursing Education (SDLRSNE) developed by Fisher et al. The aim of this study was to develop a Japanese version of the SDLRSNE. After translation permission from the original developers was secured, development of the Japanese version of the SDLRSNE was conducted in the following three steps: translation from English to Japanese, back-translation, and pilot testing. We were able to establish the face validity of the Japanese version of the SDLRSNE. A Japanese version of the SDLRSNE may be useful to consider and evaluate the learner's learning methods and to conduct international comparisons. We will examine and report on the validity and reliability of the Japanese SDLRSNE in the future.
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