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要旨:両側上肢切断後に幻肢痛を生じた症例に対し,タブレット型端末を用いたVisual Feedback(以下,VF)の疼痛軽減効果をシングルケースデザインで検証した.VFは,机上のボックスにタブレット型端末を設置し,ボックス内に両手を挿入して実施した.タブレット型端末の映像は,前腕・手関節・手指の動きとし,映像と同期して切断肢の動きをイメージさせた.結果,VFの即時的な疼痛軽減と持続効果が確認できた.また,疼痛軽減に伴い,痛みの破局的思考の軽減が図れた.今回のVFは,ミラーセラピーなどの非切断肢の動きを用いた介入が困難な両側上肢切断症例も利用可能で,簡便であることから,有効な手段になる可能性がある.
The effects of Visual Feedback (VF) using a tablet was examined for phantom limb pain after upper limb bilateral amputation. VF was carried out by inserting remaining limbs in a box connected to a tablet. The images on the tablet were movements of the forearm, wrist joints, and fingers. The subject visualized the movements of the amputated limbs in sync with the video. The results indicate that VF provides immediate and sustained pain relief, as well as relief from catastrophic thought of pain. VF may be an effective method because it is easy and convenient for upper limb bilateral amputees who have difficulty intervening with intact hand movements such as mirror therapy.

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