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要旨:筋萎縮性側索硬化症は進行すると四肢筋力が低下し,歩行能力や日常生活動作の低下を来す.そのため,身体機能・日常生活活動・生活の質(Quality of Life;以下,QOL)を維持・向上させ,治療処置の機会を逸しないようにする必要がある.今回,入院短期集中型HAL®治療にて,2種類のHAL®治療と作業療法介入を行うことによって即時的に歩行能力,上肢機能,QOLスコアに改善が認められた.早期診断された筋萎縮性側索硬化症患者に対する治療の一手段として,HAL®と作業療法を組み合わせた介入は身体機能や生活機能の改善に留まらず,QOLの向上につながる可能性が示唆された.
Progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) reduces muscular limb strength, and is followed by the repression of quality of life (QOL).Therefore, it is important to utilize every opportunity to maintain body function to maximize the integrity of daily life. Herein, we utilized the two types of HAL® to improve residual motor function in a 54-year-old female patient with ALS. We verified the clinical efficacy of HAL® for lower limbs and HAL® for single joints along with occupational therapy. As a result, we found immediate improvements in the muscle strength of the upper limbs, gait function, and QOL. We propose that a multimodal rehabilitation approach comprising robotics and authentic rehabilitation results in further improvements in residual function and QOL in patients with ALS.

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