

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Rehabilitation for Patients Recovering from Threatened Abortion and Premature Labor : During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period Hiroshi Mano 1 , Haruhi Inokuchi 1 , Naoko Shoda 1 , Yasuo Nakahara 1 , Naoshi Ogata 1 , Nobuhiko Haga 1 1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The University of Tokyo Hospital Keyword: 切迫流早産(threatened abortion and premature labor) , 妊娠(pregnancy) , 廃用(deconditioning) , 身体訓練(physical exercise) pp.445-451
Published Date 2014/7/18
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Abstract : Bed rest for pregnant women recovering from threatened abortion and premature labor to prevent abortion can cause deconditioning syndrome, but it is not clear what kind of physical exercise should be provided for these patients. To better provide appropriate rehabilitation for threatened abortion and premature labor patients, we investigated patient clinical records retrospectively. In 11 patients who were provided rehabilitation within the past three years, eight delivered during hospitalization and three became independent in ADLs and were discharged while still pregnant. All patients who delivered during their hospitalization became independent in ADLs immediately after delivery, and as a result, the maternal prognosis was good. Choosing an appropriate rehabilitation approach for patients with threatened premature labor may help alleviate their deconditioning during pregnancy without any adverse impact.

Copyright © 2014, The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1881-3526 日本リハビリテーション医学会


