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The author participated in the volunteer dispatch program of the Japanese Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists' Association. Since then, as a speech-language-hearing therapist (SLHT), I have been thinking about "what we can do" and "what we must do" when a disaster occurs. I attended the first disaster medicine training program organized by the Japan International Medicine Technology Fedaration (JIMTEF). As an SLHT and also a medical staff, I learned "what we need to know" and "rules we need to follow" through the program. Based on these experiences, I think it is important that SLHTs as well as other medical staff act flexibly in post-disaster support to meet the needs and demands of the scene, at each location and time. Thus, the ability to judge what is needed and to act accordingly is of great importance. In order to prepare for disasters, I think the following are critical:cooperation with the local community, disaster drills to acquire necessary techniques and knowledge, and appropriate assessment of the situation.

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