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A survey was made on the trends among children with disabilities who had received treatment at the Kita-Kyusyu Rehabilitation Center during the period of 1985~2005. The number of children who received the first examination at the center increased in spite of the recent decline in the birth rate. The children's ages ranged from newborn to school age. As could be expected with this age range, a wide variety of support appropriate for each stage of development was called for. The number of children who came from a distant place decreased, suggesting that the care and educational environment for children with disabilities in many regions had gradually improved. One of the significant findings regarding the first examination was the increase in the number of children suspected of having developmental disorders. Under these circumstances, the kinds of support requested from speech-language-hearing therapists of the center were very varied. As examples for such support, we describe in this report:1) supporting children and families notified of disabilities by their doctor, 2) organizing family meetings and peer counselors, 3) supporting day care facilities for children with disabilities, and 4) supporting school resource rooms for children with speech-language disabilities. From the viewpoint of the life model, speech-language-hearing therapists should pay attention to and work with the whole communication environment of children.
Copyright © 2008, Japanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists. All rights reserved.