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早期胃癌に対する腹腔鏡下胃局所切除術,とくにlesion lifting法と経胃瘻的内視鏡下胃内手術の手技を安全に行うポイントとピットフォールについて詳述した.両手技ともに術前の病変のマーキング,トロッカーの位置や胃瘻の位置決定,切除線の決定および止血などが大切である.また,局所切除後は定期的な局所再発,異時性多発癌およびリンパ節転移などの監視が必要である.
We described in the literature the safety points and pitfalls of laparoscopic partial gastrectomy (lesion lifting methods and transgastrostomal endoscopic surgery) for early gastric carcinoma. It is suggested that the preop-erative marking of carcinoma, the positioning of trocers or gastrostomy, the determination of cutting line and hemostasis are important for performing these methods safely. Periodical gastrointestinal endoscopy and ab-dominal CT scan are required for monitoring local recurrence, asynchronistic multiple carcinoma and lymph nodes metastasis.

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