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症例は72歳,男性.脳底動脈狭窄による失語症を認め,他院に入院した際に偶然,脾腫瘍が発見され当院に紹介された.画像検査の結果,脾原発悪性リンパ腫を疑い,右季肋部からの切開創より左手を挿入する腹腔鏡補助下脾臓摘出術(hand-assisted laparoscopic splenectomy:HALS)を施行した.手術時間は1時間44分,出血量は少量,摘出脾臓の重量は100gであり,脾腫瘍径は3.5×3.2cmであった.病理組織診断はT cell型非ホジキン悪性リンパ腫であり,術後化学療法を施行した.HALSは巨脾を伴う良性血液疾患のほかにも,悪性脾腫瘍に対する診断的治療としても有用であり,今後この手技の適応が拡大していくものと考えられる.
A 72-year-old man who had aphasia due to stenosis of brain basilar artery was admitted to our department on March 2, 1999, because of splenic tumor detected accidentally by some imaging studies. As a result of abdomi-nal computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, we suspected primary splenic malignant lym-phoma. Hand assisted laparoscopic splenectomy (HALS) was performed. The operation took one hour and forty four minutes, and there was little bleeding. The weight of the resected spleen was 100 grams and the tumor measured 3.5×3.2 centimeters.
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