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陽圧による人工呼吸は急性呼吸不全の治療の軸となる手段であり,そのなかでも,volume control continuous mandatory ventilation(VC-CMV)とpressure control continuous mandatory ventilation(PC-CMV)は,今日最も頻用されている代表的な換気モードである。VC-CMVは陽圧人工呼吸の黎明期から使用され,いまだに現役で広く使用されている。PC-CMVも,VC-CMVに比べると歴史は浅いが,十分に使用経験が蓄積されており,その使用の割合は徐々に増加してきている。
Main points
Mechanical ventilation with positive pressure plays a critical role in the management of patients with acute respiratory failure. Volume control continuous mandatory ventilation (VC-CMV) and pressure control continuous mandatory ventilation (PC-CMV) are commonly used fundamental modes of ventilation. VC-CMV is a volume-targeted mode which has been used since the early stages in the development of mechanical ventilation and is widely used in current clinical practice. PC-CMV is a pressure-targeted mode of ventilation. Although it is relatively new compared to VC-CMV, the use of PC-CMV is increasing. There are no high-quality studies comparing one mode with another. The appropriate choice of modes and their optimal settings are critically important. This goal can be achieved by a thorough understanding of the principles of operation, merits and demerits of each mode along with an understanding of patient status.

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