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鼻腔のポリープのうち,上顎洞より発生し自然孔より後鼻孔を経て,後方に下垂するものを上顎洞性後鼻孔ポリープ(antrochoanal polyp)と呼ぶ。この後鼻孔ポリープは線維腫,神経線維腫,リンパ管腫,血管腫,軟骨腫,骨腫,脂肪腫,乳頭腫,混合腫,癌腫および肉腫などと鑑別しなければならない。
A 17-year-old girl with no past history of nasal diseases noticed nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea and hyposmia in both sides 2 months prior to admission.
A small polyp was present in the right middle meatus and a white mass was observed in the right choana. Plain x-ray of the skull showed opacification in both maxillary sinuses. Tomograms and CT scan revealed opacification in the epipharynx which was suspected of epipharyngeal tumor. Removal of a large epipharyngeal mass and Caldwell-Luc operation were performed, and the histopathological examination of the mass showed inflammatory polyp.

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