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oto-palato-digital syndrome(耳-口蓋-指趾症候群<仮称>,以下OPDSと省略する)は1962年にTaybi1)により"generalized skeletal dysplasia with multiple anomalies"として最初に報告されたものであるが,1967年にDuddingら2)が兄弟例3例の報告を行い,難聴,口蓋裂,指趾奇形を3主微としてとりあげ,OPDSと命名した。
Two patients, 15-year-old and 16-year-old boys in unrelated families, with oto-palato-digital syndrome- a generalized dysplasia of the bone and the cartilage-were presented. They showed the typical features of conductive hearing loss, high arched palate, characteristic fish facies, unextensible elbow joints and digital deformities.
In the first case, tympanotomy revealed the fixed incus in the attic and the mobile stapes with the widened head and plumpy anterior crus. Thus hearing impairment in this syndrome might be caused by ossicular malformations. Tympanoplasty using a removed incus as columella was performed without hearing improvement.
The fact that all of the reported cases including our patient could not obtain the hearing improvement by the surgery might be related to the specific characteristics of the connective tissue disorders related to the general malformation syndrome.
Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.