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再建にはforehead flap2),delto-pectral flap3),regional flap1),free flap4)が主として用いられる。皮膚弁が安全に移植されかつ十分な組織塊を得るためには,多くの場合2種類以上の皮膚弁が必要である。筆者らは舌,舌根部の全欠損を単一のD-P皮弁で形成し,形成舌が可動性のないものであってもある程度嚥下機能を残存し得るに十分な口腔形態を得る方法を考按した。
Extensive tissue defect after total glossectomy is reconstructed using one of these delto-pectoral flap, forehead flap and eplon flap. Simple cloure of the tissue defect, however, leave swallowing difficulty remarkably.
For preservation of swallowing function, it is necessary that an adequate tissue mass should substitute the tongue. In many cases, multiple flaps are generally used for this purpose.
A new surgical method for the reconstruction of the whole tongue with one delto-pectoral flap was developed. A stem of delto-pectoral flap was inserted and fixed at the floor of mouth to replace the tongue after the tip of flap had been transplanted to the oral cavity. This method can provide the sufficient replacement of the tongue, and the complete restoration of the swallowing function for solid foods and liguids.
Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.