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Wegener's granulomatosisはその病像の複雑さ,病因探求の困難さから,文献の上でつぎのようなきわめて多くの名称にて呼ばれてきた。すなわち,進行性壊疽性鼻炎,壊疽性鼻炎,進行性鼻壊疽性上顎骨膜炎,鼻腔肉腫,鼻細網肉腫,壊疽に陥り易い鼻肉腫などと表現されている。外国文献においては,malignant granuloma of thenose(Woods),Granuloma gangraenecens nasi(Kraus),Progressive lethal granulomatous ulceration of the nose(Stewart),Granulomatous ulcer of the nose and face(Hoover),Osteomyelitis necroticans faciei(Rasmussen),Gangrenous osteomyelitis of the paranasal sinuses(Lewy),Chronic infectious ulcer of the nose(Lierle),Gangosa(Arrowsmith and Myerson),Chronic granulomatous ulcer of the nose unknown cause(lsbell),Wegener's granulomatosis(Wegener)などである。しかしこのように数多くの病名でもつて報じられていることには,同一疾患が別々の角度から論じられているのではないかとの疑問が生ずる。実際,これまでに,進行性壊疽性鼻炎の名の下に報告せられた症例を通覧するに,明かに全身性疾患の様相を呈し,Wegener's granulomatosisと見なされてよい症例が散見される。これらは今や本症の明確なる理解の上に立つて,正しく分類されねばならない。
A case of Wegener's granulomatosis is reported. The patient was a male, aged 55, who suffered primarily from nasal granuloma. In spite of temporary recovery under regimen of steroid-therapy, recurrence of high temperature, micro-necrotic dermal lesions in the upper and lower extremeties, renal insufficiency and cachexia resulted in the death of the patient. The autopsy findings were as follow:
1. Areas of vasculitis with fibrinoid necrosis were found in the kidneys, upper respiratory tract, duodenum, small and large intestines, mesentery, pancreas, spleen, cerebrum (right thalmus and right occital meninges) cerebellum, left testis and skin.
2. Lesions similar to malignant nephrosclerosis with granulomatous changes were found in both kidneys.
3. Hemorrhagic areas were found in the central nervous system such as right occipital meninx, right thalamus and left cerebellar hemisphere.
4. Multiple ulcerations accompanied by vasculitis were recognized beneath the duodenal mucosa and that of the small intestines.
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