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Wegencr’s granulomatosis(以下WGと略す)は1931年Klingerによつて始めて記載されたが,1936年Wegener1)の報告以来一つの独立疾患として扱われるようになつた。これは気道とくに上気道の壊死性病変が先行し,ついで全身に撒布性病巣を生じて各臓器の症状を呈しついには死に至る予後不良な疾患である。全身撒布性病巣の一つとして生殖器や会陰部に潰瘍や壊死を認めたという報告は少なく,Stewart2)が女性会陰部に潰瘍を認め,長田ら3)が陰茎壊死を認めたと報告しているのみである。
A sudden onset of painful mass at the base of the penis was noticed in a 31 year old male which was followed by pregressive necrosis from the penis to the perineum and was resistance to chemotherapy but the histopathological findings showed no malignancy nor specific inflammatory signs and was the granulomatous tissue with some angionecrosis surrounded by cell infiltrations here and there.
Otolaryngological examinations revealed perforation of the nasal septum resulting in gangrenous rhinitis and the nasal septum and turbinate was not outlined by x-ray examination. The hilus of both lungs were prominent by chest x-ray.

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